バイクぶらり旅 九州(通潤橋)



With a fine weather, 7:30 we depart, into a mountainous region.On the way, buying 180 yen’s sandwich in a convenience store.In Yabu town, we see the bridges shaped like a glasses. One of the masterpieces, Tsujyunkyou (name of a bridge) is an aqueduct built by a group of masons over 150 years ago in order to save a village suffering from drought. They learnt the technique by Dutch and completed with villager by spending 8 years. Drought were resolved and about 991736㎡’s (245 acre) new paddy field were able to cultivate, so it was a “Project X” done by nameless men.Grinding each stones and building, without using Plaster, it is very robust and doesn’t have water leak, so this technique is marvelous

Googleマップ 熊本県上益城郡山都町長原

九州 晴、熊本、宮崎両県を結ぶ九州一長い林道(内大臣・椎葉林道)に入ってゆく。内大臣橋を過ぎると土と石コロだけのダートになる。緑の峡谷が美しい。10キロも進むと急峻なカーブの連続。凹凸のガレ場、時折、 ...



九州 2時すぎ、阿蘇のふもと、白水村に入る。ここの「一心行の大桜」はつとに有名で国道から300m入った畑の中にある。花の時期は過ぎたが大空に“緑の大傘”を広げていた。スケッチをしていると麦わら帽をかぶ ...



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